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Department Committees

The Department of Physiology and Biophysics maintains multiple standing committees to cover specific functions in support of education, research and infrastructure within the department. These committees are listed here with roster and contact information provided.

Events and Activities Committee

The Department hosts a number of events.

We host a weekly seminar series in which notable scientists from across the country are invited to present current research to the University community.  We also host a weekly Chalk Talk as well as a Journal Club for the PhD students.  

Each year, the departments holds a research retreat, with even years being a single day event and odd years a multi-day event. 

The Events and Activities Committee administers all of these events, invites speakers and sets the agenda for the retreat. Current committee membership and contact information is provided below.

Current committee membership and contact information is provided below.

Nami Tajima, PhD

Nami Tajima, PhD

Assistant Professor
Tajima Lab
Molecular Basis of Synaptic Transmission 
Robbins E619
216-368-5519 (office)

Shiwei Zhu, PhD

Shiwei Zhu, PhD

Assistant Professor
Zhu Lab
Mechanism of cell-autonomous immunity against infection
Robbins E621
216-368-3875 (office)

Xinghong Dai, PhD

Xinghong Dai, PhD

Assistant Professor
Dai Lab
Structure-aided antiviral drug discovery and vaccine design.
Robbins E610
216-368-5131 (office)

Tingwei Mu, PhD

Tingwei Mu, PhD

Associate Professor
Mu Lab
Proteostasis maintenance of membrane proteins in health and disease
Robbins E513
216-368-0750 (office)

Julian E. Stelzer, PhD

Julian E. Stelzer, PhD

Professor and Vice Chair
Stelzer Lab
Cellular and molecular mechanisms of cardiac muscle contraction in health and disease
Robbins E522
+12163688636 (office)

Xin Qi, PhD

Xin Qi, PhD

Jeanette and Joseph Silber Professor and Interim Chair
Qi Lab
Mitochondrial quality control and neurodegenerative diseases
Robbins E516
+12163684459 (office)

Erika N Allen, PhD
Robbins E511
216-368-3400 (office)

Bart Jarmusch

Bart Jarmusch

Director of Admissions
SOM E527

Morley Schwebel

Morley Schwebel

Administrative Manager
216-368-3401 (office)

Paul Kukla

Paul Kukla

Grants and Accounting Specialist
SOM E527
216-368-6163 (office)

Ellen Glonti

Ellen Glonti

Administrative Operations Manager
SOM E527
216-368-3058 (office)

JoAnna Sephakis

JoAnna Sephakis

Department Assistant 2
SOM E527
216-368-3400 (office)